MURPH Training: Week 5

MURPH Training Week 5: TABATA training is a "H.I.I.T."! 

We would like to introduce TABATA training for our next couple of weeks of MURPH training. TABATA is a form of HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING. This program was developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata in 1996.  This program was initially used by Japanese Olympic speed skaters. The good news is that the TABATA training routine is only 4 minutes! The bad can be grueling. One of the great benefits is that it trains both your aerobic endurance and anerobic capacity at the same time.  Aerobic exercise is when the body produces energy with oxygen, while anerobic exercise is when the body is producing energy without oxygen. Improving both aerobic and anerobic capacity are both very important to improve sports performance and overall health. 
This will be a fun and customizable plan that you all can use in your home or backyard. There are many free Apps that can help you time your TABATA intervals. One of my favorites is called “SmartWOD Timer.” Begin your TABATA workout with a 5-10 minute cardio warm up by jogging, brisk walk, biking, or swimming.  The workout is a simple interval: 8 rounds of 20 seconds exercise followed by 10 seconds rest. (20 sec:10sec x 8 rounds)
You want to do as many repetitions of the same exercise in the 20 seconds as you can. Make sure you are keeping good form during your exercises. Initially, try just sticking to bodyweight exercises. I would like you all to pick your own exercises to incorporate into your program. You can keep the same exercise for each interval or alternate as much as you want. Try to incorporate some of our exercises from the past videos. Try to do this program 3 times this week.

Please share some of the routines you design and training pictures with us on our Facebook page or  Please stay hydrated, keep good safe form during the exercises, and play some “Jazz Festing at Home” music to motivate you and have fun! Feel free to modify the program to keep it safe and enjoyable. 

Here is an example TABATA program: 
5 min. Jog 
-20 seconds of push-ups:   10 seconds rest
-20 seconds of squats: 10 seconds rest 
-20 seconds of push-ups: 10 seconds rest 
-20 seconds of squats: 10 seconds rest 
-20 seconds of push-ups: 10 seconds rest 
-20 seconds of Squats: 10 seconds rest 
-20 seconds of Push-ups: 10 seconds rest 
-20 seconds of Squats: 10 seconds rest 
Jog/ Brisk walk cool down :5 min. 

Try to switch it up each time you do it this week.  Set a goal to complete 3-4 x this week., changing thigs up every time! On your off days, incorporate some lite walking, jogging, or biking for 20-30 minutes. Some other exercises to think about adding are: Pull ups, Lunges, Bent over rows, Bicep curls, etc. 

Please contact us with any questions: 

Have fun, keep moving, and stay strong! 

Chris and John 


Final Call for MURPH 2020


MURPH Training: Week 4