Hitting the Trails! The Benefits of Trail Walks and Runs.

Over the past few weeks, some good friends and I have started training for our first trail race. Our training started and friendships grew stronger during the COVID pandemic. The training and post workout beers was our way of supporting each other during this difficult time. 

Recently, Q50 Trail Runs has started to host their events in our local state parks. These are some of the first race events to return due to the smaller crowds and ability to space out runners. Owner and race director, Mr. Cesar Torres, has done an incredible job with following strict safety guidelines for trail race participants. 
As I have been running through the Couturie Forest in City Park, I realized preparing for this trail race has reignited my passion for running. More importantly, the training has strengthened our friendships, and helped strengthen us physically and mentally during this pandemic. There are many physical and mental health benefits to trail runs and walks and other forms of outdoor exercise known as "Green Exercise."  Some of the notable ones are listed below: 

  • Trail runs and walks provide muscle strengthening and endurance

  • Improve balance through neuromuscular challenges on uneven surfaces 

  • Fun and adventurous as you feel like you are in the next Jumanji movie 

  • Improved cognitive function as you problem solve to negotiate uneven ground and forks in the trails...don't get lost!

  • Improved mental health as you "unplug" from the virtual meetings and cell phones.

  • Improved cardiovascular health...the heart rate really gets going when you see your first snake!

We highly suggest hitting the trails if you get a chance! You can make it a family fun adventure as the kids will love it too! As with any outdoor activity remember to stay safe with the following tips: 

  • Hydrate before,during, and after exercise 

  • Look out for trip hazards, watch your footing 

  • Be aware of potentially dangerous wildlife in the area 

  • Try to workout with a partner or larger group 

A free app that we suggest is All Trails. This app will give you trail maps and ratings in the area, as well as track mileage and elevation. You can also share photos of interesting sightings on your adventure. 

Below, is a list of links including some local state parks and Q50 Trail Run's website. 

Please let us know if you have any questions. We would love to hear about some of your adventures on our facebook page! 

Stay strong and healthy, 

John and Chris 






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